The ministry of education has today released the results from 2024 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) Examinations. The overall results show that 350,146 (98.05%) of the candidates who sat qualified for the UCE certificate.
Female candidates demonstrated higher achievement levels in English Language, Christian Religious Education, and Art and Design. In the other subjects; History and Political Education, Geography, Mathematics, Agriculture, Chemistry and Biology, the proportions of females in the exceptional and outstanding levels are lower than that of males.
A total of 359,417 candidates were registered as the first cohort for the examination. Of these 177,133 (49.3%) were males, while 182,284 (50.7%) were females. 136,785 (38.1%) were beneficiaries of the USE programme and 222,632 (61.9%) were Non-USE. A total of 357,120 (99.4%) candidates were present for the examination. Only 2,297 (0.6%) were absent. The rate of absenteeism continues to drop and this is a good sign.
Perfomamce of special education candidates.
A total of 743 Special Needs Education (SNE) candidates (354 males and 389 females) registered for the 2024 UCE examination. These consisted of the blind (31), those with low vision (138), the deaf (71), the dyslexics (100) and the physically handicapped (70). There were 333 others with other forms of disability that only needed to be given extra time. Only 5 (0.7%) candidates were absent.
Perfomamce of Inmates
At the Uganda Government Upper Prison School, Luzira, 28 candidates were registered. Of the 28 candidates who registered, 27 candidates sat; while one did not sit for the examination. All the candidates qualified for the UCE certificate.
At Mbarara Main Prison Inmates’ Secondary School, 11 candidates were registered and they all sat for the examination. All of them also qualified for the UCE certificate
Examination malpractice
There has been a very welcome reduction in cases of malpractice. There are 64 cases with a total of 984 candidates suspected, compared to nearly 3,000 suspected last year.
According to UNEB, The nature of the items in the papers do not lend themselves to malpractice. However, the cases reported are mostly in the science practical papers, with Physics being most affected. Of the cases, 883 (93.1%) are in the Sciences, and only 65 (6.9%) in the rest of the other subjects. In these Science cases, there is overwhelming evidence that the candidates were given experimental results by teachers merely to copy. The work done by the candidates do not relate to results recorded
Results will be uploaded on the examination centre Portals. Each school can, therefore, download their results as soon as they are officially released. No hardcopies are available but Examination Centres that may be interested will be notified as soon as they are ready for collection from UNEB offices, Ntinda.
Parents, candidates and other interested parties wishing to access results may use the Short Messaging Service (SMS) on MTN and Airtel mobile networks.
Results of the candidates will be posted on their mobile sets instantly; if the correct procedure is followed.
To get UCE Results by SMS, Go to Messages on the phone menu, Type UCE Leave space, Type the full index number of the candidate · Send to 6600 on the MTN and Airtel networks.