Uganda’s new lower secondary curriculum is a competency-based, learner-centered curriculum that aims to equip students with 21st century skills. The curriculum was introduced in 2020 by the ministry of education.
- Develop critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills
- Promote self-directed learning
- Help students become responsible citizens and lifelong learners
- Prepare students for the world of work
Key features
- The curriculum is designed to help students develop skills and competencies
Generic skills
- The curriculum emphasizes generic skills that cut across all subjects, such as critical thinking, communication, and problem-solver.
Despite that the new curriculum has faced challenges in implementation, including insufficient ICT equipment and weak parental support, some schools are following the right direction.
Mr. Reagan Kateregga, the head teacher at Fort Portal secondary school said that they envisage the new curriculum as the game- changer in creating jobs that will significantly reduce unemployment especially among the young graduates.
“As far as the new curriculum is concerned, we have had quite a number of workshops which have been attended to very well. And in addition to that, we have a lot of internal strategies that adhere towards the improving our performance. Because each year, we always think of bettering our best. We set our records, break them, set them. Break them like that.” He noted
He furher noted that “ Through implementing this curriculum, they have put a lot of emphasis on skilling students,” They are doing tailoring, plumbing among other.
“Fort portal is a school that has come to stay and let parents entrust us with their children, even For A level because of our preparations and the learning environment”. He stated.
He also comented on the excellent perfomance that girls at his school exhibited in science subjects in the 2024 UCE results released recently by the Ministry of education.