A team of police officers from Police Headquarters conducted an eviction operation against encroachers on police land in Nateete Police Division, located in Kitooro zone, Nateete parish, Rubaga division, Kampala district. This land is also home to the division headquarters and the headquarters of Traffic and Road Safety. Directorate of Production, Welfare, and Sports is also housed in Nateete.
According to the police spokesperson Kampala Metropolitan area, Patrick Onyang, the eviction targeted kiosks along Nateete-Kiggagga road, a day and night car parking facility, all of which belonged to Halimah Nalongo Nanyombi.
He noted that despite receiving an eviction notice, Nanyombi failed to comply.
In addition to Nanyombi’s properties, other businesses operating on police land and premises were also evicted. “To prevent future encroachment, the police plan to fence the entire area. This move aims to safeguard police property and maintain order in the division,” he added.