The leadership of the Islamic University in Uganda [IUIU] in partnership with its Alumni Association has revealed plans of launching a strategic one-million-dollar campaign project where they seek to raise [USD1$M] 4bn to enable over 3,000 Muslim teachers in Muslim-founded primary schools.
The government recently pronounced a policy that teachers without University degrees shall be phased out by 2030 largely at the Nursery and primary levels.
The IUIU campaign aligns with the government’s 2019 policy which requires all teachers from nursery to primary level to upgrade to a bachelor’s degree within ten years or risk getting phased out of the profession.
This was revealed by IUIU rector Prof. Ismail Simbwa Gyagenda while addressing over 600 fraternity of the IUIU Alumni during their 6th annual dinner gala which was held at the Imperial Royale Hotel,
Prof. Simbwa pointed out that with the ministerial 2019 government policy pronouncement calling for the compulsory University degree for all Nursery and primary school classroom teachers by 2030, the University immediately began internal consultations over how best to help the thousands of Muslim teachers from Muslim-founded primary schools upgrade and acquire bachelor’s degree if they are to continue teaching in schools.
” In this project ‘One Million Dollar Campaign’, we intend to mobilize Alumni community to each make a humble contribution of USD$100 annually.
He appealed to all Alumni working within government, local governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector not forgetting those living and working in the diaspora to come up boldly and support their brothers and sisters who are currently left with only five years to acquire a degree or risk being phased out as stipulated under the new legal requirement.
He made a personal start-up contribution of USD$100 towards the noble cause and urged all to emulate him as they support their colleagues delivering education services to the citizens of Uganda and beyond.
The chief guest of the day was the KCCA executive director Hajjati Sharifa Buzeki made a cash donation of 1m/= towards the cause as an old girl of the great University where she vividly served as guild president.
The new lady at City Hall commended UIUI leadership for aiding the production of competent, God-fearing graduates who continue to scatter around the world by offering dedicated services to Mankind and humanity in general.
She noted that the power of Alumni engagement in fostering educational opportunities for underprivileged students can play a leading role in empowering such bright but vulnerable students who may have a future potential to contribute to the economic and development growth agenda of the country