A boda boda rider named Sabiiti Barnabas, who bravely tried to thwart armed robbers during the Kiwatule Mobile Money heist in Ntinda, a Kampala suburb, has sadly died from gunshot wounds at Mulago National Referral Hospital. Barnabas was shot while attempting to defend Albert Cook Tugume Apuuli, who was attacked at his mobile money shop.
Tugume is the younger brother of Doreen Nyanjura, the Deputy Lord Mayor of Kampala.
According to police reports, Barnabas was injured in the process of trying to save Tugume and was quickly taken to Mulago for treatment. Unfortunately, sources at the hospital have reported that Barnabas passed away this morning, although official confirmation from the relevant authorities is still pending.
The Kampala Metropolitan deputy spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigyire said investigations are already ongoing to have the culprits face the law.
This shocking act of violence took place on the evening of November 21, 2024, around 8:00pm in Kiwatule Central Zone, Nakawa Division, within Kampala City.
Reports indicate that Tugume, a 34-year-old mobile money operator, was in the process of closing his shop when he was violently confronted by an assailant seeking to steal his cash.
According Owoyesiyire, Barnabas, aged 30, attempted to intervene but was tragically shot by another armed individual lurking nearby.
In a desperate attempt to escape, Tugume was pursued by the attackers and fatally shot by the attackers, who fled the scene with a bag believed to contain an undisclosed sum of money.
Owoyesiyire confirmed that police investigators quickly arrived at the location, gathering crucial evidence to support the ongoing inquiry.
Additionally, a vehicle with the registration number UBH 045H was discovered damaged by stray bullets.
Barnabas was promptly taken to Mulago National Referral Hospital, where he is currently receiving treatment for his gunshot wounds, while Tugume’s body was taken to the City Mortuary at Mulago for a postmortem examination.
He emphasized the unwavering commitment of the Kampala Metropolitan Police to ensure that those responsible for this despicable act are brought to justice. He also urged anyone with information that could aid the investigation to step forward.
Nyanjura also shared on her official X account that Barnabas had passed on.
Assailants allegedly fled the scene with his bag, which held cash, mobile agepnt lines, and bank agent machines.
Eyewitnesses reported that the gunmen quickly hopped onto a waiting boda boda and sped away.
Nyanjura said a church for her brother will be held today November 22, 2024 at St Luke Ntinda and burial will be on November 24, 2024 in Nyamabuga, Bugaaki Mwenge.
Barnabas (Who tempted to save our brother) will be buried tomorrow Saturday 23rd in Mitooma.