The Tororo District Police are currently conducting an investigation into the brutal murder of Awori Immaculate, a 28-year-old resident of Moriwa village, whose body was discovered at Panorama Cottages Guest House in Tororo Municipality. The incident is believed to have taken place between January 3 and 4, 2025.
Initial findings suggest that Awori Immaculate and her one-month-old daughter, Andera Jane, were deceived into leaving Paya by two women, Nanozi Eseza, also known as Nalunga Pretty, and Awori Beatrice, who falsely represented themselves as employees of a non-governmental organization assisting mothers and infants.
The suspects reportedly reserved a room at the guest house, where they allegedly killed Awori Immaculate and abducted her baby. The police were notified after a lodge staff member found the body and alerted the authorities.
Both suspects have been apprehended, and the baby has been safely recovered. The investigation is ongoing, with law enforcement focused on bringing the suspects to justice.